
Chilton Primary School

Learn with passion to live with purpose


The following uniform is required (Reception to Year 6):

Everyday uniform

  • Tailored grey trousers, grey shorts or grey skirt/pinafore.  For Reception, children can wear black joggers or leggings.
  • White polo shirt, with or without logo.
  • Round neck school red sweatshirt or cardigan, with or without logo.
  • Grey or white socks or tights.
  • Two pairs of footwear: indoor – black shoes, black trainers or plimsolls; outdoor – trainers (which could also be used for outdoor PE). No footwear with flashing lights, backless shoes or high heels.  
  • Chequered red/white summer dress, when warm enough.


PE kit

  • Black shorts.
  • Red PE T-shirt, with or without logo.
  • Optional, for outdoor PE: dark coloured jogging bottoms/tracksuit top.


Uniform bank


We are keen to recycle and reuse and welcome donations of clean good quality uniform for our swap shop. We accept all uniform except unbranded white polo shirts as we are currently inundated with these! 


If you require any second-hand uniform please contact the school office and let us know what you need. We also display second-hand uniform at relevant school events e.g. new starter days. There is no charge for any second-hand uniform.


Buying uniform


Unbranded uniform can be purchased widely from local supermarkets. Branded school uniform is available to buy from:
Trutex, 14 Cockcroft Road, Didcot, OX11 8LL

Tel: 01235 211011 



Looking smart

We ask that children tuck their T-shirts in and look smart for school. Children should avoid extreme hairstyles (spiked, Mohicans, tramlines, highlights etc) which are unsuitable for school. Children with long hair should be provided with bands to tie it back for sports, DT and science.



Children are only permitted to wear jewellery in the form of plain stud earrings, which they must be prepared to remove for PE and Swimming. They must be able to remove and replace the earrings themselves.  In the interest of Health and Safety staff are not allowed to help with this.  No other jewellery is permitted, even on non-uniform days.


Temporary tattoos, nail varnish and make up

These are not considered acceptable for school wear and should be removed before coming to school.


Labelling your uniform

Please remember to label every item of school uniform, including shoes and jackets. Children frequently lose items and we are only able to return them if they are labelled with the child's name.


Our PTA have a link with this company for name labels and if you purchase them from here and use code 4246, it will also help to raise funds for our school. A perfect way to reduce lost property and raise money! However, it is perfectly acceptable to mark your uniform items with an indelible pen.


Please see below to download our PE kit information sheet.
