
Chilton Primary School

Learn with passion to live with purpose

Rowan Class Mixed Class Year 3/4

Welcome to Rowan Class

Welcome to Rowan class where you will find Miss Johnston and Mrs Suttner and 28 kind, bright and enthusiastic learners. 

Rowan Class - Example Timetable (subject to change)

Term 6

We are all very excited about our new topic this term. Our geography topic theme is focusing on a local river town: Abingdon and our enquiry question is: ‘What do people want from their local area?’ We will be developing our map skills using OS Maps, identifying the human and physical features in our local area and exploring how Abingdon has changed to meet the needs of its residents.


Your child will have the opportunity to explore this topic through, geography, science and English. In addition to the topic work and daily mathematics lessons, there will RSE sessions, PE, RE, spelling, French, computing, music and art.

Discover Abingdon – Abingdon on Thames Town Council


Term 5

This term we are learning about rivers and thinking about how they are formed and their features. We will be studying rivers from all of the world and considering how they are the same and how they are different depending on their location. Our enquiry question is 'are all rivers the same?' We will end this term by visiting the Henley River and Rowing Museum. 


The children will have the opportunity to explore this topic through, history, science and English. In addition to the topic work and daily mathematics lessons, there will RSE sessions, PE, RE, spelling, French, computing, music and DT.  



Terms 3 & 4

Our topic theme  over the next two terms is Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age and our enquiry question is: ‘Which time period would you prefer to live in?’ We will be learning about these different time periods in history to help us understand how they got their names, what life was like and how they influenced our lives today.  


The children will have the opportunity to explore this topic through, history, science and English. In addition to the topic work and daily mathematics lessons, there will RSE sessions, PE, RE, spelling, French, computing, music and art.  


We will end term 4 with a Year 3 and 4 musical production called 'Rock Bottom.'



Term 2


We are all very excited about our new topic this term. Our topic theme is mountains and our enquiry question is:  

‘Is All High Land a Mountain?’ We will be learning where mountains can be found, how they are formed and what their features are. 


Your child will have the opportunity to explore this topic through, geography, science and English. In addition to the topic work and daily mathematics lessons, there will RSE sessions, PE, RE, spelling, French, computing, music and art. 

Term 1



This term our enquiry based question is based around the Mayans: ‘How does a civilisation decline?’ We will be finding out about who were the Mayans, what were their beliefs, what can we learn from them and what happened to this ancient civilisation?


In addition to the topic work and daily Mathematics lessons, there will be Personal, Social and Health sessions, Science, PE, RE, Spelling, French, guided reading and computing. Year 3 will also learn to play the violins and Year 4 will have weekly music lessons. 





Bookflix - Great ideas for reading books.
