Learn with passion to live with purpose
Chilton Primary School has a 26 place nursery, which runs in the mornings from 8.45-11.45am, term-time only. All children aged 3-4 years are eligible for 15 hours of government funded nursery provision.
Seedlings, our nursery class, is led by Mrs Vaughan and supported by qualified early years practitioners. We deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum through a broad range of play-based experiences each session. For further information have a look at our Seedlings class page.
The nursery children go to our onsite Forest School once per week, led by qualified Forest School leader Mrs Baum, and have PE/movement led by our specialist teacher Mr Bedwell.
Please see the admissions page for details on our admissions policy and a link to the registration form.
There is no school specific uniform requirement for nursery although children can wear the Chilton Primary School red sweatshirt. We do ask that children are dressed in clothes they can manage easily and independently, for example, jogging bottoms or leggings. Please also bear in mind that nursery children take part in painting, water and other messy activities. All children need an outdoor coat, indoor shoes and wellies, a water bottle, a red school book bag and a small rucksack which contains a change of clothes.