Learn with passion to live with purpose
Chilton Primary School's Eco-group consists of a representative from each class from year 1-6, and is run jointly with Mrs Suttner and Miss Reardon. The Eco-group members are voted in by their respective classes each September and hold the position for the academic year. They attend regular Eco-group meetings and promote environmental values to their peers through assemblies and classroom talks. Their mission is as follows:
The Eco-group take part in a variety of initiatives each year, including the Great British Spring Clean (litter picking near the school), the RSPB Big Birdwatch, the Walk to School scheme and helping with the Rags2Riches textile collections. Within the classrooms we have recently switched to using reusable glue sticks and whiteboard pencils, instead of pens, and the eco reps help to promote and administer this. This year the reps have sown the King's Coronation commemorative wildflower seeds, and have previously helped plant trees and create wildlife habitats in our Forest School area.