Learn with passion to live with purpose
‘Learn with passion to live with purpose’
ACE: Aspiration Compassion Enthusiasm
At Chilton, we use our core values to underpin a curriculum that puts the child at the centre of our school, where positive relationships, based on mutual trust and respect are at the heart of everything we do.
We have high expectations and are resolute in our firm and uncompromising commitment to securing outstanding outcomes and strong progress for all children. Everyone is equally valued; we are proud of our inclusive school culture. Our ambitious curriculum has been designed to take account of the legal requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and the Primary National Curriculum. It exposes our children to enriching experiences, immersing them in progressive knowledge and skills; equipping them with personal characteristics required to succeed in life.
The key principles behind the design of our curriculum are for our children to:
Ultimately, we want all of our children, to be the best they can be, making a positive contribution to the world around them.