
Chilton Primary School

Learn with passion to live with purpose


Superstars of Wrestling Friday 3rd November 2023

Fundraising in 2022 - 2023

The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) has hosted some incredible events for families and parents, whilst also raising money for trips, facilities and play equipment. Can you help by volunteering?


Support the school

Events held at school and funds raised enrich your child's learning and their school experience. All children benefit from a busy and well-supported PTA. Becoming actively involved means more resources for the children.


Get connected

Make new friends whilst helping out and also create closer links with the school, staff and other parents and gain a better understanding of what is going on in the school.


Use your skills

Do you have professional skills you could help us with? Or something you or your employer could donate? There are lots of ways to help us and tasks you can do at home and in your own time. Perhaps you could make a poster, help set up an event, serve food or spare a half hour at a fair school.


Volunteering is fun

And rewarding. Seeing children enjoy events you've worked on makes all the planning worthwhile. You are also setting a great example to your and other children by doing something that benefits others.


Contact us

If you can help in any way please contact


Supporting us with your purchases 

Help us when you purchase items from these two companies:

Stikins name labels Use code 4246 to earn money for the school with each purchase

Some Examples of our Previous Events
