Learn with passion to live with purpose
We would love to welcome you and your child to Chilton Primary School!
Please do get in touch with the school office on 01235 834263/office.2555@chilton.oxon.sch.uk to make an appointment to come and look round.
Primary school admissions
Oxfordshire County Council is responsible for admissions to Chilton County Primary School. Please use the links below to access information on how to apply for a Reception school place or in year transfer.
Important: you must apply for a Reception place even if your child currently attends Chilton nursery.
Nursery admissions
Nursery places are allocated by the school and follow the admission criteria as laid out by Oxfordshire County Council.
Nursery intakes are usually in September, January and April (after Easter). Children are eligible to enter our nursery the term after they turn three. For example, if they are three in August they can start in September, if they are three in December they can start in January. If you are interested in a nursery place please complete the application form below.
Moving on to secondary school
Once again all applications must be made to Oxfordshire County Council Admissions Team. The on-line application process usually opens in September and the deadline is normally the end of October. Offers are made at the beginning of March.
We would always advise that you use all of the preferences available on the form - and not just one.