
Chilton Primary School

Learn with passion to live with purpose

Beech Class Year 1






Mrs Elliott and Mrs Didcock supported by Mrs Vincent, Miss Hillier and Mrs Brown.

In Beech Class there are 30 enthusiastic children who love to learn and

find out about the world around them! 


Term 6: Why Do People Visit The Seaside?

This term we will explore our question ‘Why Do People Visit the Seaside?’. This is a geography focus. We will be locating the nearest seaside to Chilton, using and exploring vocabulary specific to the seaside and finding out about how seaside holidays have changed over the years.

In writing, we begin by writing a leaflet to share about our oceans and the importance of keeping them clean. At the end of the term, we will be writing postcards using everything we have learnt in Geography.

In Science this term we are revisiting working scientifically and will enjoy planning, carrying out and evaluating a range of scientific enquiries.   

In maths, Year 1 will start at looking at place value to 100 before moving on to money and time. Year 2 will start with consolidating lots of our learning so far: addition, subtracting, measurement and time. We will move onto statistics after. 

In art we will be using our seaside topic to inspire our observational drawing of sea shells. We will use Robert Hooke as our inspiration.  Our PSHE focus is all about Changing Me this term.

Term 6 Timetable- Subject to change


Term 5: In what ways are the countries of the UK different?

This term we will explore our question ‘In what ways are the countries of the UK different?’. We will be looking at finding key facts about the four countries that make up the UK and focus on the seas that surround them. We will know the capital cities of each country and where they are on a map.

In writing, we will begin by writing animal riddle poems using ‘The Big Blue’ as inspiration. We will then use the ‘Snail and the Whale’ as inspiration to write setting descriptions to describe the coastal areas around the UK.

In Science this term we start our unit on Uses of Everyday Materials. We will explore and understand why some materials are better than others for certain products that we use.  

In maths, Year 1 will start with mass and volume before moving on to multiplication and division and fractions later on in the term. 

In DT we will be preparing and making fruit smoothies for a class Spring Picnic. Our PSHE focus is on relationships this term.

Term 2 - 

What makes Chilton a good place to live?  


This term we will be learning more about our village of Chilton by completing a local area study linked to Geography. We will work to know that Chilton is a village and follow simple trails in and around our school grounds and we will be identifying human and physical features. 


This term we will also be spending time learning our songs and practising our performance for our nativity which is called 'Straw and Order'.  It is about some donkeys and cows who have a big fallout over the stable where they all live.  We will look forward to sharing this with you in December!






Term 1 - Who should we listen to? 

We begin the year with an exciting exploration of the question ‘Who Should We Listen To?’  We will explore this question through the actions of Guy Fawkes and events of The Great Fire of London. We will learn how the changing of Monarchs led up to Guy Fawkes’ actions and the ways that The Great Fire of London spread so quickly and what could have been done to stop it sooner.


